Monday, April 11, 2011

Fact or Opinion...I mean REALLY

Tomorrow is TAKS review of course because we only have 2 weeks left until TAKS testing!!! I was looking at objective that my students are struggling with and to my was FACT and OPINION. I thought I had learned this in maybe 3rd grade, but my sweet babies just don't get it. So tomorrow I am teaching FACT and OPINION. They have a HARD time understanding that it does not mean it is an OPINION if it stated in the story. I got this alll day long, "but Ms. it says it in the HAS to be a FACT." So today after school I started to get my lesson ready. I came up with a sweeet fact and opinion game...made and assessment then I started to make my Prezi (it is better than a power point I promise). I work backwards... crazy i know, but I am CRAZZZYYY these days. As I started to make my prezi... I started to explain the difference between fact and opinion. I kept changing my wording around because it was even HARD for me to really understand a fact and opinion. Our society has set such NORMS we as humans have a hard time distinguishing between a FACT and OPINION. This topic i guess has been so relevant in my life lately...and i mean in dealing with people. It amazes me how deceitful people can be. I used to care what other thought and not speak what was on my mind, but in my "older days"... i guess you could say...that has all changed!!! My mom asked me about a year ago if I was ever going to find my filter... i told her NO!!! I am WHO I AM and there is not much more too it. Hate me love me...I don't always CARE! :) Anyways... It it sometimes hard to distinguish between (FACT PERSON) and a fake person (I guess we can call them an OPINION person). As a sorta naive person...this has been hard for me to grasp lately. I just don't get it... it takes so much more energy to be mean than nice. P.S. I am working on not being mean as well..although I am not deciteful! What you see is what you GET with this GIRL!!! All that being said... i know...I am wordy tonight... I am so THANKFUL and BLESSED that God has shown me lately who the FACT people are in my life. It is so nice to lean on my sweet friends and family. God is truly faithful, and I am so ever grateful for that! Life is much more sweet with out those opinion people!!! ;) Love you all, JC

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