Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The script was being written somewhere else...

and even though the sequence made no sense to me or anyone around me, it made sense to a someone somewhere... -Hambone's Book

I am using Josh Hamilton's Beyond Belief tomorrow in class. We are discussing choices and consequences so I couldn't think of a more interesting piece of literature to teach with. So while choosing an expert I came across this quote...and it fits life PERFECTLY for the time being.

I have learned that I am best at living life happily and free spirited. Such as in the pic... school clothes (who says khakis can't be hot, and of course my lovely VB school backpack at an after school Friday night fun event can't be HOTTTT!!! Neely saw the pic, and asked Elaine to change my outfit ASAP. I actually liked it! I mean I am who I am right!!! :) Anyways...I love random road trips, spontaneous hh's, random stories from my kiddos, and most of all being Me. Although I wish I knew my scrip and had it published laying next to my bible...but I DON'T. Last week I had a hard time coming to the realization that my plan is obviously not God's plan, and I am finally learning that the more I trust him and his plan... the more happier I am. God has been so faithful this past week. It is amazing the peace he has giving me at school, cheer, and in my own personal life. I have so much to be thankful for, and I am so thankful for my friends, family, sweet students, not so sweet students, and co-workers.

I will keep you updated on the script as my life continues! Have a wonderful rest of the week!

ps. LSU TIGER football is SOON, and I will be enjoying the game with two of my best Friends!!! (this is actually written in the script ;)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Above All

What an incredible summer I have had. The beach, college world series, vegas, and dad turned 50. I also got the opportunity to teach summer school which was incredibly life changing getting to work with some of our kids who need the most attention and love. It was a wonderful time. Besides waking up early, I was sad when it was over. I also gained a new best friend Lance. I have learned so much about myself through him and his amazing want to work with athletes. His hardwork and determination is pretty amazing. I admire him for that. Football season has started and well our everyday amazing summer has turned into WORK WORK WORK. I am the WORST at change so I can be quite the BRAT... i am sure he would agree witht that...but on the other hand GO VIKINGS! No matter the outcome of our friendship/relationship I am thankful for what I have learned in the few short months from being with someone that has such a passion to work with children.

All that being said, getting back into the groove of things has been an HUGE struggle. If you don't know, our district and state has changed their standards a TON. I started training a few weeks ago, and I became extremely discouraged. Also my mom is not at my school anymore. I will mis her soooo much. Anyways... I see my precious babies that have to meet these almost unattainable goals, and one thing I HATE the most is seeing them struggle and face failure in the classroom. It HURTS! So I have struggled with coming up with a theme for my class this year. I really want to prepare them for success in all areas of their life. So this is something I like to do with my kids because it allows me to build my classroom into a team enviornment.

Sitting in worship at an AdvoCare convention Michael W. Smith starts singing (LIVE) Above All. I immediatly break down and cry. 1. it was played at Gene Marshall's funeral 2. It is an incredible SONG. It really hit home because Above ALL one thing matters in my classroom is me keeping my passion to teach my babies no MATTER what the standard is. I truly believe that with my passion for teaching...no ONE can take that away and TWO my students will come out of my classroom better than better before they walked in. So I am not exactly sure how I am going to use Above All, but I know that God will give me the knowledge I need to make this happen.

So in my own personal life I am going to focus on the theme "Above All" I am going to keep the main things the MAIN THING. Work on myself and finding exactly what I want out of life. This summer was almost surreal it was so AMAZING, and reality has finally set it. I know that Above All my God will take care of me as and LOVES me for who I am...that Being Said I am Jordan Cowen which If i don't say so myself is pretty awesome! (kidding) I have come to the reality that Life is NEVER going to be easy, and you have to FIGHT for what you want (and what is right)
I will get off my soapbox now. I do want all my friends and family to know that I love them dearly, and I am so grateful for the friendships.

Here is to a new school year!

love you all so much!