Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bitter Sweet

Life is extremely bitter sweet right now!

There are so many amazing things going on like, my room mate saying in appropriate things lol, my family finally being content with how things are, cheerleading, touching life's one student at a time HA, and all the friends I have started to re-connect with! Then there is CHANGE. I really despise change. I hate not having my other half around. It is so hard to realize that my half... just isn't meant to be. I keep thinking that one day I am going to wake up and things will be back to normal... its been three months now and things just aren't that way.

I always wonder why God puts certain people in my life just to have them taken away. It is so hard to understand! I really working on just trusting that God has this absolutely AMAZING plan for me and that this heartache will go away...

Let go is something I have really never been good at but I am learning slowly that I need to start being good @ it. I have to honestly say I really realized this when i was sitting in mandi's car at 2 in the morning and having a HEART to HEART. Sometimes we need an "eye opener".

I am looking forward to a GOOD week and a FRESH START! loveeee to all :)

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