Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break, Sweet Times, and Falling Down times 4

Spring Break has so come and gone. I am pretty sad. I have missed by sweet babies, but this has been the BEST Spring Break in a long time. I so needed a break from school, cheer, and my everyday routine.

During spring break I have managed to fall down a good 4 times. I have a bruised hand, a bruised leg, and a bruised ankle. I think I might need to get my eyes checked...or my dad says that I am "just not paying attention"... i think hes full of it!

Here are my top 10 reasons for LOVING Spring Break

10. laying by the pool with two of my sweetest friends
9. falling down at billy bobs doing the copperhead road (it was CLASSIC)
8. Getting to go to uptown with my grandma, aunt, cousin, and best friend
7. Sleeping until 11:00 o'clock (i can't wait for summer... i will NOT be teaching summer school)
6. Triple Date at fire side pies and pitchers of sangria (white sangria that is)
5. Dress shopping with Mandi and giving jenny hell (she was mean)
4. D-town boogie, jersey turn piking, fist pumping, and dancing oh and mandi doing squats through out the apt with her slim fast cans
3. our christmas tree still being up and i turned it on ( i mean who doesn't love christmas year around)
2. Shopping with my momma at urban out fitters for a good 2 hours and eating lunch with her and reeders
1. laughing for hours in my dads room with dad, nee, brother, and brit.

Love you, happy spring, and 12 more MONDAY'S until school is out!

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