Sunday, February 6, 2011

Less than Perfect

It has been a while since I have blogged!! I am sure you are totally missing my lovely words ;)

Life has been really busy until this week. 4 days off of work nearly killed me. I had new clue how busy I had to be ALLLL the time.

In the last week I have learned so much while being couped up in my 2 by 2 apartment. Here are a few things I have learned...well 7 things I learned this week!!!!

1. I truly love my job... I have missed my classroom, my crazy kids, my co workers, and lunches with mom, kay and esmi

2. I live with one of the most patient people. I am not sure how Mandi deals with me, but I am so thankful for her

3. I have such an amazing group of friends!!!! I am so blessed to have taught at LMS and met some of the most sweeeeettttest people ever. Then today I get to go hang out with my sweeeetttt friends i have known most of my life.

4. I miss my sister, and she always knows how to make me laugh. I love her free spirit (that is what i have chosen to call her behavior i guess you could say)

5. People are not always who you think they are, but all things happen for a reason. I am one tough girl...tougher and stronger than I give myself credit for (ask my 6th graders or cheerleaders...they might even tell you I can be mean and tough @ times!!)

6. Umm... new jersey turnpike (My friends might or might not know how to rock this)

7. My life is far from less than perfect, and I might have made a wrong turn once or twice...but this is my silly life ( ps. i heart pink.) With all the chaos, tears, and lauhgs, I have learned to be thankful for what I have and those who appreciate me for me!!!

Heres to a Week of no SNOWWWWWWW

love you all


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