Well 2010 has been amazing if I don't say so myself! I wouldn't say EASY though, but I wouldn't be me if life was easy! I turned 24 whooo hoo! 24 is such a weird age not young and 21, but not quite 25! Here are my 24 highlights of 2010!
24. My new Volvo (i am in love)
23. Teaching 6th grade Reading
22. Watching Neely play college softball
21. Learning that it is okay to be ME!!
20. Not really caring what others think alll the time(not sure if that is good or bad)
19. Uptown nights out
18. Two prego friends one engaged friend and 2 married friends (blessings)
17. My 24th bday swinging my claw and antler shirt (good times)
16. Learning to just laugh
15. Having a student cry because she passed her first teks check since 3rd (good guessing or I am just that AMAZING of a teacher ;)
14. Pool days with hodgeposh
13. Learning it might not be the most wise choice to have a “BFF”, but you shouldn’t regret it despite what other tell you
12. Getting to watch Reed get ready for his first homecoming
11. Saying goodbye to my first ever class of students
10. apt 621 and all it's good times with my best friend
9. Trip to Baton Rouge with two of the best girls i know
8. Ski Trip that i didn't ski on :) :)
7. Learning to stop asking why and just let life happen
6. John Mayer concert (wish i remembered more of it) all i know is he is stinken hot and sings amazing songs
5. Trip to NYC with Dad and Neely
4. message from Becca's sister telling me how much she loved me
3. My sweet Cheerleaders (our party, and being just pretty bad A)
2. Being at the Texas Rangers play off game where they beat the YANKS!!!!!!!!! i am still missing the rangers
1. THROW UP on my car as she pukes down the highway ( i have never laughed so hard in my life) I mean it’s been a party kind of year I had to end with this one!!!
Happy 2011 love you all!!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Ice Chips, 7 up, and a sweet sweet smile!
I blog about my life as a teacher a lot... so it is only appropriate that i blog about my sweet Becca
I am procrastinating getting ready for my 15 year old student's funeral...1 I am a procrastinator and two I don't want to have to pick out an outfit to wear to Becca's funeral.(seems corny i know, but i just don't want to get ready) We are all suppose to wear something BRIGHT!! Which makes perfect since. Never would I have thought I would have to be going to a funeral for one of my former students already. I am totally heart broken to say the least... One of my favorite mentor's told me that if you care about you students first and curriculum second 1...they will learn more and 2 you will make a bigger difference. So from then on out that is what I do. That being said when Becca found out she was pregnant with sweet baby Cole... I cared for her needs as young pregnant student, and then I cared for academic needs...which ended up making her a successful student!!!
Becca was in Reed's third period class which always made more things interesting! When visiting her mom, she even made a comment to Reed about how he always gave me HECK! True STORY!!! So that class was always special! Not only had I known most of those kids for a long time, but they were all a sweet group of kids! I think Becca being one of Reed's friends makes it that much harder!
Enough with the sadness... I want to talk about all the SWEEEEETTTTT times I had with Becca and third period
1. She always needed Ice chips...she had heart burn and she always would ask do you mind if I get a 7 up! I would let her eat her ice and drink her 7 up, but was always jealous when I didn't have my own drink!
2. I loved it when she got on to Reed or other boys for talking or doing what he was not supposed to be doing! I'll never forget when one of my boy's tooted and she about jump his case!!! It was funny and all gave us a laugh!
3. In group projects...she would always get mad if her group wasn't on task and didn't mind letting the whole class know who was off task (she might have even yelled) (my kinda girl)
4. Following your heart- we had many of these discussions... I loved them!
5. "I think you need a hug" Some days it was me giving becca hugs other days it was her giving me a hug
6. Her pony tails on top of her head with her Ribbon!
7. Last but not least her strength, integrity, and pride- Not a day went that Becca didn't hold her head up high. She was a hard worker who knew what she wanted, and was not going to let anyone get in her way. After running in to her on the Tuesday before she died, I knew she was doing exactly what she was supposed to be doing. I gave her the 21 question test...and she def. passed!!! She was being an AWESOME mother at 15 and a perfect student. I am 24 and don't know if I would be handling school and being a full time mommy like she was. I am so encouraged by strength!!
My last words to Becca on Tuesday were "Have a good Christmas" I truly believe that this Christmas will be one she will NEVER forget! She is with her precious baby in a Heavenly place!
I love you BECCA and I will never forget your sweet smile!
I am procrastinating getting ready for my 15 year old student's funeral...1 I am a procrastinator and two I don't want to have to pick out an outfit to wear to Becca's funeral.(seems corny i know, but i just don't want to get ready) We are all suppose to wear something BRIGHT!! Which makes perfect since. Never would I have thought I would have to be going to a funeral for one of my former students already. I am totally heart broken to say the least... One of my favorite mentor's told me that if you care about you students first and curriculum second 1...they will learn more and 2 you will make a bigger difference. So from then on out that is what I do. That being said when Becca found out she was pregnant with sweet baby Cole... I cared for her needs as young pregnant student, and then I cared for academic needs...which ended up making her a successful student!!!
Becca was in Reed's third period class which always made more things interesting! When visiting her mom, she even made a comment to Reed about how he always gave me HECK! True STORY!!! So that class was always special! Not only had I known most of those kids for a long time, but they were all a sweet group of kids! I think Becca being one of Reed's friends makes it that much harder!
Enough with the sadness... I want to talk about all the SWEEEEETTTTT times I had with Becca and third period
1. She always needed Ice chips...she had heart burn and she always would ask do you mind if I get a 7 up! I would let her eat her ice and drink her 7 up, but was always jealous when I didn't have my own drink!
2. I loved it when she got on to Reed or other boys for talking or doing what he was not supposed to be doing! I'll never forget when one of my boy's tooted and she about jump his case!!! It was funny and all gave us a laugh!
3. In group projects...she would always get mad if her group wasn't on task and didn't mind letting the whole class know who was off task (she might have even yelled) (my kinda girl)
4. Following your heart- we had many of these discussions... I loved them!
5. "I think you need a hug" Some days it was me giving becca hugs other days it was her giving me a hug
6. Her pony tails on top of her head with her Ribbon!
7. Last but not least her strength, integrity, and pride- Not a day went that Becca didn't hold her head up high. She was a hard worker who knew what she wanted, and was not going to let anyone get in her way. After running in to her on the Tuesday before she died, I knew she was doing exactly what she was supposed to be doing. I gave her the 21 question test...and she def. passed!!! She was being an AWESOME mother at 15 and a perfect student. I am 24 and don't know if I would be handling school and being a full time mommy like she was. I am so encouraged by strength!!
My last words to Becca on Tuesday were "Have a good Christmas" I truly believe that this Christmas will be one she will NEVER forget! She is with her precious baby in a Heavenly place!
I love you BECCA and I will never forget your sweet smile!
Monday, December 13, 2010
All I want is a coat for my baby and Monday
It is the week before Christmas vacation, we got third place instead of first yesterday (i like to win), it is freezing in our apartment last night because I don't like a high electric bill, I don't have any clothes clean (shocker i know)... so I am wearing uggs a skirt, and my tacky Christmas sweater that says "you make my heart melt" with two snowmen on the front with a little of gold glitter (so I feel HOTT (with two t's today), I left my badge with keys on it at my dads, and I walk in to my mom's house with a crying family member (NO NAMES) and all this has happened before 7:30. So i am frustrated, irritated, and already a little upset before 7:30. I walk in to school with my mom to put my my lunch which is gross by the way ( Santa Fe Beans and Rice and pita chips...yummm i know) and one of my students is sitting in the office worried about a coat. In our school district you can only wear uniform colored coats. This child does not have one. So he is sitting in the chair arms inside his coat which is not a school appropriate coat shivering and not knowing what to do because he knows that his jacket is not school appropriate. He is upset...which i can understand. Who wants to start their day of not being able to wear a coat to school. Hello it is 32 degrees out side and my room sometimes stays at 67 (i wear gloves and my big jackt half the time) His grandmother looks at me and says " All I want is for my baby to have a coat he can wear to school and not be cold" Of course we find this child a jacket, but that is not my point.
My point is my heart and my eyes were so opened to how selfish I can be at times. How lucky and blessed I am. I have never had to worry about not having a coat to go to school in. So many times I think my life is sooooo tough when really I am beyond blessed. I have a home, a job, friends, family, and support from so many people. There is always something that I want that I don't have...and today I realized that mabye if i just stopped and looked @ WHAT ALL I had life wouldn't be so "tough". If I let go of all the stipulations I have for myself GOOOO, and this stupid timeline I "THINK" I have to follow. Or... that I need to be this perfect teacher, with this perfect life, with all this indepednce and thoughts of " I can do this on my own... I want to be the independent woman who can DO everything... maybe if I learn to just let that go I will start to appreciate all the things I have right in front of me like my sweet family, my friends who constatly call to check on me or just see how my day is, my 19 sweet cheerleaders, my 137 kiddos that come by just to give me a hug on the way out the door, my teacher friends, and my support system. Kinda mushy i know...but this is what has been on my heart today!
I love you all
My point is my heart and my eyes were so opened to how selfish I can be at times. How lucky and blessed I am. I have never had to worry about not having a coat to go to school in. So many times I think my life is sooooo tough when really I am beyond blessed. I have a home, a job, friends, family, and support from so many people. There is always something that I want that I don't have...and today I realized that mabye if i just stopped and looked @ WHAT ALL I had life wouldn't be so "tough". If I let go of all the stipulations I have for myself GOOOO, and this stupid timeline I "THINK" I have to follow. Or... that I need to be this perfect teacher, with this perfect life, with all this indepednce and thoughts of " I can do this on my own... I want to be the independent woman who can DO everything... maybe if I learn to just let that go I will start to appreciate all the things I have right in front of me like my sweet family, my friends who constatly call to check on me or just see how my day is, my 19 sweet cheerleaders, my 137 kiddos that come by just to give me a hug on the way out the door, my teacher friends, and my support system. Kinda mushy i know...but this is what has been on my heart today!
I love you all
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Big Girl Panties, Wine, and Good Books!
Well it has been quite a while since I have been able to blog! Cheer season started, holidays, and lots of tutoring have consumed my life lately...not to mention having TONS of fun! I feel like over the past few weeks I have had to put on my "big girl panties" I have never been that great at doing that. I pretty much like everything to be calm and collective ALL the time. Well my job as a 6th grade reading teacher is none the less calm or collective @ any point in time. Going fromm being an elective teacher to a core teach has just about ROCKED my world!!! I do have to say with all the testing, testing, and more testing to see how my kids are progressing I do enjoy every stinking second of it. I know that where I am right now is where I need to be. It is such a rewarding job... really I promise it is!!! I know I might B*tch a lot about what I do, but it is really forcing me to grow up and live out side of "Jordan's Perfect World" My ideal of "perfect" world has totally crashed but for the better!!
I have also busted out of my bubble and went on a weekend trip to Baton Rouge which I feel in love with... I am not sure if it was the spirit of the LSU game or what, but it was one of the most fun weekend I have had in a LONG LONG time...or you know maybe it was the two HOTT (yes with two t's) girls I went with. I was so blessed to get to go with them!!!!
This is the best... get ready.... I am staying this weekend by myself!!! Mandi is gone to Disney. I will miss her who is going to put up with my crazy self for the rest of the week and weekend!!! I am usually the one that leaves on trips, but this time she is the one leaving. I know it is a BIG step for me to just hang out with ME!!! I am not much of a loner. Although my cute wine J glass is full and a new book will probably keep me company for a while!!! This will only be the second time I have drank by myself... we will see how this goes! Just call me R.Cowen JR!!! Love you dad!
Life is good for now! I am ready for a two week vacation, neely being home, hanging with new/old friends and Christmas!!!!
love you!!!
I have also busted out of my bubble and went on a weekend trip to Baton Rouge which I feel in love with... I am not sure if it was the spirit of the LSU game or what, but it was one of the most fun weekend I have had in a LONG LONG time...or you know maybe it was the two HOTT (yes with two t's) girls I went with. I was so blessed to get to go with them!!!!
This is the best... get ready.... I am staying this weekend by myself!!! Mandi is gone to Disney. I will miss her who is going to put up with my crazy self for the rest of the week and weekend!!! I am usually the one that leaves on trips, but this time she is the one leaving. I know it is a BIG step for me to just hang out with ME!!! I am not much of a loner. Although my cute wine J glass is full and a new book will probably keep me company for a while!!! This will only be the second time I have drank by myself... we will see how this goes! Just call me R.Cowen JR!!! Love you dad!
Life is good for now! I am ready for a two week vacation, neely being home, hanging with new/old friends and Christmas!!!!
love you!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Claws, paws, antlers, sleeppppp, PINK, and heavy hearts
Well this week and weekend have been filled with fun, sleep, victory dances, love, hugs, and tears!
I have come to the realization that life is never going t be easy (whoever says life is easy is fullllll offffff crap), but it is how you deal with the tough things that make life worth it and give it meaning. I started reading a YA book which is young adult literature, and since I am a reading teacher I try to read things my kids would like to read. This book is about a girl that lives in a school bus and her mom is a prostitute, but she finds HOPE in everything she does. She wants to be a lawyer too (another reason i like her... who is to say one day i don't go to law school and become some big wig lawyer...you never know riiighhtt) I have fallen in love with the girl in the book because I think it is so important to find HOPE in everything I do. There are days where I literally wonder what in the WORD am I teaching for, or I wonder... WHY in the world have I done this or THAT, or I have seriously just WASTED my time doing this or that... and I am slowly learning that NOTHING or NO ONE is a WASTE of time. There is always something GOOD that can come out of everything. I have learned that people come and go in and out my life for many reasons... the coming out part always hurts, but what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger riiiighttt. I have also learned the easiest path is not always the RIGHT path, and I will admit sometimes I want to go back to old things just to make life easier. Butttt I do have to say... I have continued to be strong and follow the RIGHT PATH... Over the past year I have had many ups and downs, but I have never stopped and looked at how much I have grown and overcome( I actually completed 7 loads of laundry this week and CLEANED my shower with a toothbrush i might add...this is an accomplishment for me). I have been truly blessed with such sweeeeet people in my life to help me become who I am today... thank you guys for being such a huge part of my life :)
I have come to the realization that life is never going t be easy (whoever says life is easy is fullllll offffff crap), but it is how you deal with the tough things that make life worth it and give it meaning. I started reading a YA book which is young adult literature, and since I am a reading teacher I try to read things my kids would like to read. This book is about a girl that lives in a school bus and her mom is a prostitute, but she finds HOPE in everything she does. She wants to be a lawyer too (another reason i like her... who is to say one day i don't go to law school and become some big wig lawyer...you never know riiighhtt) I have fallen in love with the girl in the book because I think it is so important to find HOPE in everything I do. There are days where I literally wonder what in the WORD am I teaching for, or I wonder... WHY in the world have I done this or THAT, or I have seriously just WASTED my time doing this or that... and I am slowly learning that NOTHING or NO ONE is a WASTE of time. There is always something GOOD that can come out of everything. I have learned that people come and go in and out my life for many reasons... the coming out part always hurts, but what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger riiiighttt. I have also learned the easiest path is not always the RIGHT path, and I will admit sometimes I want to go back to old things just to make life easier. Butttt I do have to say... I have continued to be strong and follow the RIGHT PATH... Over the past year I have had many ups and downs, but I have never stopped and looked at how much I have grown and overcome( I actually completed 7 loads of laundry this week and CLEANED my shower with a toothbrush i might add...this is an accomplishment for me). I have been truly blessed with such sweeeeet people in my life to help me become who I am today... thank you guys for being such a huge part of my life :)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
If someone tries to judge you based on what you make...
I wanted to share this video because it has just been one of those extremely trying weeks at school... one of my college friends posted this video and it truly made me realize what I do and why I do what I do.... the video is three minutes long and uses a few not so nice words, but I fell in love with this video and absolutely can relate to the message that he is trying to get across!!! So next time someone "dogs" teachers (something my kids would say) I will use this guy's line... pretty powerful message if you ask me!!!
Love you all!
Love you all!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
i promise it is the small things...
This week has gone by very fast and of course the weekend goes by even faster. i have been reminded this week that it is the small things that really make me truly HAPPY. In the past I had a parent conference, a two hour training, worked two 11 hour days, and tutored a WHOPPING 26 kids (when i make a promise to my kids at the beginning of the year that they won't fail... i truly mean it. Also people tell me that you can't save every child... i disagree I work extremely hard to "SAVE" everyone of mine) Anyways... i also taught three cheer classes (and today's was rough with rolling eyes, mean faces, and hurtful words to one another.. All that being said, i am a bit tired. i sometimes feel that i am on a never ending treadmill, and i can't get off. ps. i wish i REALLY felt that way when i was really on a treadmill... i have not problem stopping after a few miles! but... it is like there is always something to WORRY about or WONDER about. My mind and body are both already tired, but when i get ready to start to cry or maybe even want to give up i think of all the SWEET things that go on in my life and everyday at my job.
Here are some small but SWEET things made me happy through this tiring week:
1. Nee went 4 for 6 this weekend and bounced two balls of the wall.
2. Annie Marshall's midnight talk
3. Being able to dance like a maniac in the middle of the dance floor completely sober and not caring who was watching
4. Yelling "I am bullet Proof" and my neighbors being able to hear me (we might get kicked out but i dont care)
5. Getting to JACKET alllll dayyyyy long!!! 70 is cold to me... i am anemic!
6. Listening to WEEZZZY Baby with Reed (maybe not the most appropriate music, but i love our convo's about music...we are def. the smart ones of the fam)
7. Dinner with my dad this afternoon!
8. Sweet notes from my kiddos (they even still fold them the way i used to when i was in middle school)
9. Sunday trips to my favorit store in the world TARGET!!!!!!!
Here are some small but SWEET things made me happy through this tiring week:
1. Nee went 4 for 6 this weekend and bounced two balls of the wall.
2. Annie Marshall's midnight talk
3. Being able to dance like a maniac in the middle of the dance floor completely sober and not caring who was watching
4. Yelling "I am bullet Proof" and my neighbors being able to hear me (we might get kicked out but i dont care)
5. Getting to JACKET alllll dayyyyy long!!! 70 is cold to me... i am anemic!
6. Listening to WEEZZZY Baby with Reed (maybe not the most appropriate music, but i love our convo's about music...we are def. the smart ones of the fam)
7. Dinner with my dad this afternoon!
8. Sweet notes from my kiddos (they even still fold them the way i used to when i was in middle school)
9. Sunday trips to my favorit store in the world TARGET!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Cake Balls, Pink Rainbows, Comped Bar Tabs, and HEE HAAASS
Well I can't believe we are already 1 week away from pay day... this means that October is almost here (my favorite month of the year) I believe this October is going to be sweetness!
1. It is my bday month (even though my bash this year will be in November and will be much better than last years bday which was pure HELL... good TIMES)
2. Competition season starts
3. Halloween
5. first 6 weeks of school is almost over
6. bowie ballerz-is going to win lots in fantasy football
7. lets all pray the cowboys will have a better month too
My principle asked me this week when i was going to start grad school... funny he asked because I have been looking at different grad school programs. I signed up to take my GRE too! I have been thinking that maybe next fall i will start a grad school program that is not in the DFDUB... maybe go back to college station, Texas, or for some reason i think living in Florida or the mountains for a year would be pretty awesome! I sorta want to take a year off from teaching and just focus on grad school and get it over with. I am not sure if this would ever happen, but what do i have holding me back? I might even follow Nee to her school jkjk! I just think it would be fun to get a way for a year. I am not sure if i could give up teaching for a year but it could happen. maybe it could be my livin on the edge part of my life for a year or my almost quarter life crisis... i dont know!!!
This weekend was one of the BEST
1. cake balls...who buys 10 dollars worth of cake balls... MANDI! lol they were yummy but i mean really
1. Pink rainbows- this is the only wine i remember tasting at the wine tasting dont ask me whyyy
2. comped bar tab- well that is a long story
3. heee haassss- made me almost pee in my pants because i was laughing so hard!!!
love you all
1. It is my bday month (even though my bash this year will be in November and will be much better than last years bday which was pure HELL... good TIMES)
2. Competition season starts
3. Halloween
5. first 6 weeks of school is almost over
6. bowie ballerz-is going to win lots in fantasy football
7. lets all pray the cowboys will have a better month too
My principle asked me this week when i was going to start grad school... funny he asked because I have been looking at different grad school programs. I signed up to take my GRE too! I have been thinking that maybe next fall i will start a grad school program that is not in the DFDUB... maybe go back to college station, Texas, or for some reason i think living in Florida or the mountains for a year would be pretty awesome! I sorta want to take a year off from teaching and just focus on grad school and get it over with. I am not sure if this would ever happen, but what do i have holding me back? I might even follow Nee to her school jkjk! I just think it would be fun to get a way for a year. I am not sure if i could give up teaching for a year but it could happen. maybe it could be my livin on the edge part of my life for a year or my almost quarter life crisis... i dont know!!!
This weekend was one of the BEST
1. cake balls...who buys 10 dollars worth of cake balls... MANDI! lol they were yummy but i mean really
1. Pink rainbows- this is the only wine i remember tasting at the wine tasting dont ask me whyyy
2. comped bar tab- well that is a long story
3. heee haassss- made me almost pee in my pants because i was laughing so hard!!!
love you all
Sunday, September 12, 2010
the cards you have been dealt with
I often tell my kids @ school or at the gym that "these are the cards you have been dealt with.... so DEAL with it" I always tell them that I don't really care to hear their sob stories because believe it or not we all have them. Some worse than others but that is just life... I try to make them strong and let them know that just because you have a daddy in jail, a mom that works two jobs, or you have been deeply hurt does not mean you can't give a 100 percent and do you best everyday... So this past week I have been dealt with
1. missing my sister a lot. I hate not having her here. I hate not seeing her play ball every week... i hate it
2. my car getting broken into then being late to school and for once all my tutoring kiddos show up, and I am not there...
3. having to wait in line 2.5 hrs at the DPS with some not so nice people
4. having to rely on my parents to get money out for me because my debit card was stolen
5. a good friend hurting my feelings
6. driving down 75 with one of my sweeeet friends throwing up out my window and trying to communicate with me but couldn't i felt horrible but could't stop
7. meeting someone during duty telling me she lost her mother 2 months ago, moved to irving and is now living with her dad who has 9 children and had only met her dad a few tmes.
8. immature parents @ they gym (yes I SAID it... it is time to grow up or find a new team!!!)
9. being single for about a year now and just realizing that life does keep moving on... i always wonder why God puts someone in our lives just to take them out
It has been a rough week and weekend for me. I usually NEVER EVER have bad weeks much less tough weekends. Sometimes I guess we have t have tough weekends to re-evaluate our lives. I am usually happy upbeat and try not to let anything bother me. I guess I always just deal with what I have been dealt with.... but sometimes we break. Maybe I shouldn't be so tough on my kids allll the time. Maybe they need a melt down once in a while. I can say that through the week and weekend... i have a huge support system. My sweet close friends and family are always there. Whether its to make me laugh, cry with me, send me weird funny videos, invite me to eat with them, or clean up throw up off my car while I am sleeping... you all are truly amazing! Thank you for shaping and making me who I am today
1. missing my sister a lot. I hate not having her here. I hate not seeing her play ball every week... i hate it
2. my car getting broken into then being late to school and for once all my tutoring kiddos show up, and I am not there...
3. having to wait in line 2.5 hrs at the DPS with some not so nice people
4. having to rely on my parents to get money out for me because my debit card was stolen
5. a good friend hurting my feelings
6. driving down 75 with one of my sweeeet friends throwing up out my window and trying to communicate with me but couldn't i felt horrible but could't stop
7. meeting someone during duty telling me she lost her mother 2 months ago, moved to irving and is now living with her dad who has 9 children and had only met her dad a few tmes.
8. immature parents @ they gym (yes I SAID it... it is time to grow up or find a new team!!!)
9. being single for about a year now and just realizing that life does keep moving on... i always wonder why God puts someone in our lives just to take them out
It has been a rough week and weekend for me. I usually NEVER EVER have bad weeks much less tough weekends. Sometimes I guess we have t have tough weekends to re-evaluate our lives. I am usually happy upbeat and try not to let anything bother me. I guess I always just deal with what I have been dealt with.... but sometimes we break. Maybe I shouldn't be so tough on my kids allll the time. Maybe they need a melt down once in a while. I can say that through the week and weekend... i have a huge support system. My sweet close friends and family are always there. Whether its to make me laugh, cry with me, send me weird funny videos, invite me to eat with them, or clean up throw up off my car while I am sleeping... you all are truly amazing! Thank you for shaping and making me who I am today
Sunday, August 29, 2010
But She is Just Like a Maze
You would think @ 23 years old that I would have maybe figured out what I want in life or better yet who I really am... but it has yet to happen. Sometimes I am in total shock of the things i do... i mean REALLY!! I used to be embarrassed to say that I quite haven't figured all that out yet, but lately I have come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter. Like it really is okay to roll into school blaring My Dougie or Lil Wayne... Or my fav... singing America the beautiful so loud that the neighbors can hear me and thinking that it is fruited grains instead of plains! OR... wearing Christmas shirts to cheer practice and Cheri making fun of me ps. It was rough night and morning) So rough I almost threw up during FLIGHT SCHOOL anyways... I mean who said life had to be so serious allll the time! Don't get me wrong we all need structure, but I have finally realized that CRAP does happen... and it will be okay!!! Life is to short not to enjoy it... I am okay with being like a "Maze" right now, and I really not concerned with what others have to say about who I am :)
Anyways... I totally survived the first week of school with 6th graders!!!! I hate to say this but they are precious (and yes i have already knocked on wood) I did take several naps after I got home but it is all good... I miss my Lamar friends, but I truly love the people at Bowie. So many times I get this weird look about switching schools, but I truly feel blessed to be working where so many people love the kids!
I also finished my first draft today... football will have a whole new meaning in my life this year. I won't be able to just watch the cboysssss!
loveeee you!
Anyways... I totally survived the first week of school with 6th graders!!!! I hate to say this but they are precious (and yes i have already knocked on wood) I did take several naps after I got home but it is all good... I miss my Lamar friends, but I truly love the people at Bowie. So many times I get this weird look about switching schools, but I truly feel blessed to be working where so many people love the kids!
I also finished my first draft today... football will have a whole new meaning in my life this year. I won't be able to just watch the cboysssss!
loveeee you!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
We Will Win
I have my black polo washed (well sorta... its in the washer now), my khaki skirt ironed, and my tory burch's ready to go!!! I have probably worked more than 20 hours on my new room, and I have spent the last two hours trying to find a motivational clip and the perfect song for my lesson tomorrow. i found a clip a football one of course!! I am still trying to decided on a song... and I HAVE to have a song... because my first day won't be complete with out MUSIC!!!My motto this year for my students and myself is WE WILL WIN! (Yes this is the same motto that Mac used when they used to be horrible at football and then all of a sudden had a winning season.) but... I think this is a pretty sweeeeet motto for my students and me.
I sometimes wonder why in the WORLD do I put so much time, money and effort in to teaching. I mean I could really do anything I WANT with my life and I chose to teach... I have already had a break down, dug into my savings for some school stuff, dripped with sweat working in my room, dodged roaches and crickets, fell of a table, and I have even cried (surprise surprise). The worst part is I have yet to even see kids! Then I remember all the sweet emails, sweet notes, laughs,HUGS, and SMILES that come with my job. (plus i get a TON of holidays off) haaa! After watching a 10000 clips and listening to a 10000 songs for tomorrow, I realize that I have one of the BEST jobs in the world. I get to make a difference in a kid's life that might not have a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister, or a friend. I can't wait to see what is in store for me this year.
soo BRING on my 6 graders and the 2010-2011 school year
love you all!!!
I have my black polo washed (well sorta... its in the washer now), my khaki skirt ironed, and my tory burch's ready to go!!! I have probably worked more than 20 hours on my new room, and I have spent the last two hours trying to find a motivational clip and the perfect song for my lesson tomorrow. i found a clip a football one of course!! I am still trying to decided on a song... and I HAVE to have a song... because my first day won't be complete with out MUSIC!!!My motto this year for my students and myself is WE WILL WIN! (Yes this is the same motto that Mac used when they used to be horrible at football and then all of a sudden had a winning season.) but... I think this is a pretty sweeeeet motto for my students and me.
I sometimes wonder why in the WORLD do I put so much time, money and effort in to teaching. I mean I could really do anything I WANT with my life and I chose to teach... I have already had a break down, dug into my savings for some school stuff, dripped with sweat working in my room, dodged roaches and crickets, fell of a table, and I have even cried (surprise surprise). The worst part is I have yet to even see kids! Then I remember all the sweet emails, sweet notes, laughs,HUGS, and SMILES that come with my job. (plus i get a TON of holidays off) haaa! After watching a 10000 clips and listening to a 10000 songs for tomorrow, I realize that I have one of the BEST jobs in the world. I get to make a difference in a kid's life that might not have a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister, or a friend. I can't wait to see what is in store for me this year.
soo BRING on my 6 graders and the 2010-2011 school year
love you all!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Grilled Cheese with pickles and Arbor Mist
So... Sunday night around 10 i decided to look @ my calendar on my phone. I then noticed that I had training the next morning! Needless to say I FREAKED! I don't do laundry because 1. because my mom always did it for me so we will blame her and 2. I have this sweeet habit called shopping, and when I need something to wear i just go find something. So I had to do a load of laundry because I was not going to buy anything @ walmart (the only place open) target closes @ 9 on Sundays ya knowww! So not only did i go in to panic mode about clothes... I also decided that @ 10 that it was probably a good time to start cleaning my room since summer was over, and I really hadn't cleaned much this summer. Mandi helped... shes a pretty good LP! We got a bag of trash out of my room (SICK) ps. i really shouldn't admit that there is a bag of trash in my room but.... there was! My room and bathroom got cleaned in about an hr.... I even straighted up all my shoes in my closet!!!!I am crazzyyy i know!!!
So I am back in school mode... almost! I have still continued with my daily naps! Getting up at six is HORRIBLE, and I wouldn't be pleasant with out a nap! I really don't have a choice to nap because our cable won't work right. It freaking freezes up. It all started during shark week. I was already pissed off at shark week but that is a whole 'nother blog! Anyways..I have ripped the box out of the wall once and thrown many objects at it. The customer care center is over seas and they don't understand me. So mandi and I sit in our "girl cave" or club 621 and either have the option of staring at each other, reading, dancing, cart wheels, back bend kick over look a likes, go nina, or napping.... 9 times out of 10 we usually end up falling asleep or playing nina.
Well it is off to make grilled cheese with pickles and drink arbor mist... i know I am one CLASSY girl :)
love you
So I am back in school mode... almost! I have still continued with my daily naps! Getting up at six is HORRIBLE, and I wouldn't be pleasant with out a nap! I really don't have a choice to nap because our cable won't work right. It freaking freezes up. It all started during shark week. I was already pissed off at shark week but that is a whole 'nother blog! Anyways..I have ripped the box out of the wall once and thrown many objects at it. The customer care center is over seas and they don't understand me. So mandi and I sit in our "girl cave" or club 621 and either have the option of staring at each other, reading, dancing, cart wheels, back bend kick over look a likes, go nina, or napping.... 9 times out of 10 we usually end up falling asleep or playing nina.
Well it is off to make grilled cheese with pickles and drink arbor mist... i know I am one CLASSY girl :)
love you
Thursday, July 29, 2010
smooth and creamy like peanut butter
Well this is really my last weeek of summer! I am not sure where summer went... but it is gone! Next week I will work in my room and get it all ready plus training starts! Although...I am so EXCITED to have my own room with no distractions or PODS woooo hooo!!
This past week has been quite fun and pretty smooth with the exception of two incidents
1. My friend Seb that I used to baby sit for got a little too much water at the pool. Just when they were about to start CPR he coughed up the water and started breathing again. I was holding him when he started choking, and I didn't move much after that. I was in total shock and extremely scared. I really need to learn CPR esp. since i teach! I also need to learn how to handle scary situations.... i am not very good with them!!! Seb is good now, but he reallllly scared me!
2. Brit busted open her chin on leo's head! It was a little bloody and traumatic of course because I am bit of a DRAMA queen! We took her to the dr. and she didn't have to get stitches... just glue! ps. her tissue was hanging out of her chin sickkkkooo! She didn't cry either! Leo did but brit didn't she is TOUGH!
Other than those two things life is good!!!
love you guys!!!
This past week has been quite fun and pretty smooth with the exception of two incidents
1. My friend Seb that I used to baby sit for got a little too much water at the pool. Just when they were about to start CPR he coughed up the water and started breathing again. I was holding him when he started choking, and I didn't move much after that. I was in total shock and extremely scared. I really need to learn CPR esp. since i teach! I also need to learn how to handle scary situations.... i am not very good with them!!! Seb is good now, but he reallllly scared me!
2. Brit busted open her chin on leo's head! It was a little bloody and traumatic of course because I am bit of a DRAMA queen! We took her to the dr. and she didn't have to get stitches... just glue! ps. her tissue was hanging out of her chin sickkkkooo! She didn't cry either! Leo did but brit didn't she is TOUGH!
Other than those two things life is good!!!
love you guys!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
21... Maybe Forever?
Well NYC was sooo amazing. I loved it! There was good food, good shopping, good music, and good people. I also had a good time with Nee and Dad! They are so much alike it is UNREAL!
I choose the forever 21 pic 1 because i love the store especially the NYC one, but two I have decided that I want to always have the spirit of a 21 year old! It sounds silly i know...bc i am only 23.5 (ha) But i think that keeping a easy going spirit is truely the key to happiness! I am trying to stop worrying and just start living. I believe all things work out! I somtimes can be a control freak that is probably one of the reasons i love teaching because i get to "think" i am in control of my students all day long.
So here is to being 21 ... forever!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I used to think I would be the first woman president
I was reading some stupid 25 facts note that i posted on facebook during my last semester of my undergrad... it was quite entertaining.
One of the 25 facts i put was that i used to believe I was going to be the first woman president. I would love to say i was lying about that fact... but honestly when i was younger i really thought i was going to be the first woman president... funny stuff!
I also wrote that I was about to graduate and didn't know what i was going to do with my life after graduation... this was a true story! I really didn't think i would teach
Another one of my facts i put down was that i think i am smarter than most people even though i am not... I mean really who says that!
One more and i promise this is the last one i will type i wrote... sometimes i wonder if i will ever get married... you never know what can happen. this made me smile for many reasons! It is funny how instincts can play such a huge part in life. i knew back then that i was not with the one that i was meant to be with forever. plus i am going to have my own bachelorette party if i am 35 and still single so i really don't have much to wonder about anymore... i will still get to throw a party
It is so funny to look and see how much i changed and my life has changed in the past year or so. i really wouldn't change a thing for the world. i have grown, learned to love me for me, found my passion (teaching), and learned that there is not a perfect timeline for my life. I love being spontaneous and not knowing what is going to come next.
I can't wait to see what another year holds for me!
love you all
One of the 25 facts i put was that i used to believe I was going to be the first woman president. I would love to say i was lying about that fact... but honestly when i was younger i really thought i was going to be the first woman president... funny stuff!
I also wrote that I was about to graduate and didn't know what i was going to do with my life after graduation... this was a true story! I really didn't think i would teach
Another one of my facts i put down was that i think i am smarter than most people even though i am not... I mean really who says that!
One more and i promise this is the last one i will type i wrote... sometimes i wonder if i will ever get married... you never know what can happen. this made me smile for many reasons! It is funny how instincts can play such a huge part in life. i knew back then that i was not with the one that i was meant to be with forever. plus i am going to have my own bachelorette party if i am 35 and still single so i really don't have much to wonder about anymore... i will still get to throw a party
It is so funny to look and see how much i changed and my life has changed in the past year or so. i really wouldn't change a thing for the world. i have grown, learned to love me for me, found my passion (teaching), and learned that there is not a perfect timeline for my life. I love being spontaneous and not knowing what is going to come next.
I can't wait to see what another year holds for me!
love you all
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The time has come
7 things I don't have to worry about ANYMORE!!!!!
1. crazy emails
2. open doors
3. door matts being taking
4. MAN BOOBS- freaking SICK
5. dodging town lake during the afternoon
6. name calling
7. judging of my friends or me for our choice of lives we lead
in other words... bring on my prince CHARMING and NYC!!!
1. crazy emails
2. open doors
3. door matts being taking
4. MAN BOOBS- freaking SICK
5. dodging town lake during the afternoon
6. name calling
7. judging of my friends or me for our choice of lives we lead
in other words... bring on my prince CHARMING and NYC!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Comparing lil wayne to taylor swift

So I had to teach the concept of comparing and contrasting to my summer kids.... I had the bright idea of comparing lil wayne to taylor swift. I had no idea how funny these kids would be with this activity... things got a little heated!!! i shouldn't have been shocked, but I was. They came up with some really great ideas but needless to say... i started thinking about my own life and it just seems that these two people sorta compare and contrast to who i am now to who i was when i was in a relationship!
I really started thinking and I used to be more like a t swift kinda girl and now I am thinking i am more of a lil wayne kinda girl... not in a music kinda way but i guess in a personality kinda way... I am not sure in what kind of way but i promise it's some kinda way.
Here are a few of my comparisons:
T. Swift days (pre single days) Favorite Things
1. I loved getting up early sunday mornings
2. I had a pretty censored mouth (i didn't really say what i thought or what was on my mind)
3. My favorite thing to do on the weekends is go watch a movie and dinner and be home by 12 (literally)
lil wayne days
1. I now love sunday days... not mornings and waking up early!
2. I have totally lost my censor. I am not sure if it was teaching 8th grade or what, but I pretty much say what is on my mind. I don't plan on changing that either
3. My favorite thing to do on the weekend is to have a good time... no matter what i am doing and staying out past 12 i have learned is def. okay
Life is pretty good right now! I still have some down days, but for the most part I am loving every second of it! I am not sure if the new me is a good or bad thing. To be honest I am not sure i really care if it is either!
love you guyssss
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
When I look into the sky...
When it rains it poors.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rfge4zyIBA
Today has been a pretty challangening day! It started off okay... I had to work which I have decided that my summer really isn't going to be much of a summer. I have got myself involved in quite of few things (which is fine...it keeps me and my mind busy)
On the way home from the gym... i stopped by my dad's house and Neely comes out and ask me to take her to Braums. She has been a bit on irritated side with me lately so I was surprised she wanted me to take her. Of course I say yes... I have a hard time saying NO which is part of the reason I am not going to have a summer! Anyways... It started raining on the way to Braums and I see one of my former students walking home in the rain in her uniform from summer school. She comes around to my window and says hi! I tell her to get in and she responds with , "No Ms. Cowen you know you can't take students home remember" (SWEET KID I tell ya) I tell her that she is no longer one of my students and to get in. We start talking about how she used to call me ugly, make fun of my "beauty mark" on my face, and she used to tell me I always had boogers! She is in my back seat, and I can see her tear up in my review mirror. She didn't want me to have to see where she lived. My heart broke! I took her to her apartment. She lives in a two bed room with 6 people....
I am not sure if its the weather or what, but today continued to be a sad day today! I am not good with change, and I have now been out of my routine for almost 3 days now. I miss my classroom, consistent work, my kids, and my co workers. I am sure it will only take a week or so to get in summer mode!
The one thing I do love about summer is NAPS! I think I have taken one every day now! They are pretty sweeeeett!
Today has been a pretty challangening day! It started off okay... I had to work which I have decided that my summer really isn't going to be much of a summer. I have got myself involved in quite of few things (which is fine...it keeps me and my mind busy)
On the way home from the gym... i stopped by my dad's house and Neely comes out and ask me to take her to Braums. She has been a bit on irritated side with me lately so I was surprised she wanted me to take her. Of course I say yes... I have a hard time saying NO which is part of the reason I am not going to have a summer! Anyways... It started raining on the way to Braums and I see one of my former students walking home in the rain in her uniform from summer school. She comes around to my window and says hi! I tell her to get in and she responds with , "No Ms. Cowen you know you can't take students home remember" (SWEET KID I tell ya) I tell her that she is no longer one of my students and to get in. We start talking about how she used to call me ugly, make fun of my "beauty mark" on my face, and she used to tell me I always had boogers! She is in my back seat, and I can see her tear up in my review mirror. She didn't want me to have to see where she lived. My heart broke! I took her to her apartment. She lives in a two bed room with 6 people....
I am not sure if its the weather or what, but today continued to be a sad day today! I am not good with change, and I have now been out of my routine for almost 3 days now. I miss my classroom, consistent work, my kids, and my co workers. I am sure it will only take a week or so to get in summer mode!
The one thing I do love about summer is NAPS! I think I have taken one every day now! They are pretty sweeeeett!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Rhythm of my Heart
I have officially made it to my last week of school! I never thought I would be so sad to see my 8th grade babies leave me! Each one of them have blessed my life in someway! I have learned so many lessons from my kids this year its unreal!
This year has been like a roller coaster ride for sure. There were days that I would walk into my classroom and be completely exhausted. It never failed though that one of my students would brighten up my day with their smile. I feel like I leaned on them as much as they leaned on me. I hope I have taught them half of what they have taught me.
I have learned that love, patience, smiles, and hugs are the things that really matter in life and in teaching...
I made my students reflect on this past year last week and one activity we did was things to be GrEIGHTful for... I made them list 8 things they had to grateful for this past year... here are my 8 things
1. Moment of silence in the morning after the pledges (please God let me get through today with out losing my mind...i am not joking about this)
2.Alex, Neely, Reed, Mom, Dad, Molly and Leo (my fam- my family has been extremely supportive this year!! Many phone calls, text, emails to tell them what has happened throughout the day. They always listened to my funny/crazy stories)
3. My sweeet sweeet group of friends and our fun nights out ( My friends are awesome and i would not trade one of them for the world. They are so supportive and encouraging. I totally appreciate them and couldn't imagine life with out them!!! Esp. my room mate! She has listen to me cry, gripe, and laugh this entire year! I know she has to be sick of hearing me talk about teaching)
4. Sonic Half-Sweet Half Un-sweet tea (this helped me get through my first year of teaching... I also like to watch john the car hop spin around on his skates in the a.m. this always is a good way to start of my day )
5. Pandora- (when all else fails taylor swift radio or john mayer radio gets my students to be quiet!! Sometimes they will ask me to play john mayer and that really makes me smile!!!)
6. Reeders being in my class ( I have been so lucky to have reed in my class. It has been such a joy to see a different side of him.)
7. Greeting my students at the door before each period! ( I never knew how important this was. I love greeting my kids at the door. It has really impacted my relasionship with my kiddos)
8. Laughing, Smiling, Giggles ( I have never appreciated laughing, smiling, and giggling as much as I have this year. There are sometimes as a teacher I have to tell myself that I can either laugh or cry. There were also times that I would just laugh with my students! I had to learn that they are humans too, and it is okay to laugh and smile with them. I love to see my students smile!!!
This year has been like a roller coaster ride for sure. There were days that I would walk into my classroom and be completely exhausted. It never failed though that one of my students would brighten up my day with their smile. I feel like I leaned on them as much as they leaned on me. I hope I have taught them half of what they have taught me.
I have learned that love, patience, smiles, and hugs are the things that really matter in life and in teaching...
I made my students reflect on this past year last week and one activity we did was things to be GrEIGHTful for... I made them list 8 things they had to grateful for this past year... here are my 8 things
1. Moment of silence in the morning after the pledges (please God let me get through today with out losing my mind...i am not joking about this)
2.Alex, Neely, Reed, Mom, Dad, Molly and Leo (my fam- my family has been extremely supportive this year!! Many phone calls, text, emails to tell them what has happened throughout the day. They always listened to my funny/crazy stories)
3. My sweeet sweeet group of friends and our fun nights out ( My friends are awesome and i would not trade one of them for the world. They are so supportive and encouraging. I totally appreciate them and couldn't imagine life with out them!!! Esp. my room mate! She has listen to me cry, gripe, and laugh this entire year! I know she has to be sick of hearing me talk about teaching)
4. Sonic Half-Sweet Half Un-sweet tea (this helped me get through my first year of teaching... I also like to watch john the car hop spin around on his skates in the a.m. this always is a good way to start of my day )
5. Pandora- (when all else fails taylor swift radio or john mayer radio gets my students to be quiet!! Sometimes they will ask me to play john mayer and that really makes me smile!!!)
6. Reeders being in my class ( I have been so lucky to have reed in my class. It has been such a joy to see a different side of him.)
7. Greeting my students at the door before each period! ( I never knew how important this was. I love greeting my kids at the door. It has really impacted my relasionship with my kiddos)
8. Laughing, Smiling, Giggles ( I have never appreciated laughing, smiling, and giggling as much as I have this year. There are sometimes as a teacher I have to tell myself that I can either laugh or cry. There were also times that I would just laugh with my students! I had to learn that they are humans too, and it is okay to laugh and smile with them. I love to see my students smile!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
It has Been a While

Life has been incredibly busy! This month is just CRAZY!! March went by way fast! I went skiing with some of my BEST friends! We had a good time even though we ran into a few road bumps!!! Tao was so beautiful! I think I almost love being in the mountains just as i love the beach... even if I don't ski a bunch :) I also got to visit some of my family! It had been a while since we had all gotten together...of course it was strange not having dad be there! We also had the Newman/Piano couples shower in March! It was pretty amazing! I absolutely love getting together with my friends...especially those I don't see much! I got to watch Nee play ball as well in March... I miss being @ all of her games!! March was pretty Amazing, and I believe April might even be better! :)
Teaching is also still pretty crazy... There are days I want to cry because I get so angry with my kids and there are days I want to cry because i realize I only have 8 weeks left with my babies! I know they are 8th graders, but I truly cherish all of them... even the ones that constantly want to challenge me! Reed has been one of those lately! I am not sure what his DEAL is but oh my goodness he is being tough! Speaking of Reed I can't believe he is going to be in high school... i remember him running down the bleachers to the sidelines at Nimitz football games to get footballs when we scored... and now he is going to be at Nimitz! CRAZZZYY
For the most part life is good! My friends and family are awesome, and I would not change anything right now!!!
That is all for now! I hope everyone has a amazing week!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Living to 100
This week has def. been a challenge. My sweet or not so sweet at times Dee had a heart attack... she is very very sick, but is really trying to hang on and be strong. I will never forget looking in to her eyes when she was laying in the bed and telling her to hang on and that i LOVE her sooo much. She could not talk and was fading in and out of consciousness, but she squeezed my hand. It makes me cry just thinking about it! We had just talked about her getting to see my walk down the isle and have babies the day before... i hope she never forgets those talks we have!!
When she is laying in the bed at the hospital, i remember all the sweet times i have had with her. She would swim, play, watch movies, go shopping with all of us before she had her aneurysm. Then i think about the times after her aneurysm... all the times she has made us laugh because of her honesty. or the time that she wanted me to wear her fur coat to alex's football game, and got her feelings hurt because i wouldn't... or the time that we pulled up in the drive way and she was smoking a cigarette, had tennis shoes on, hair not brushed, but def. was rocking the fur coat! Goodness she makes me laugh...
I often criticize those who make choices for dee because i don't think they have made the best choices for her and her living situation, but when i really sit back and see whats going on that woman is HAPPY and not ready to go home yet. I cherish these times with her... i love rubbing lotion on her skin... and i love it when she makes weird faces at the nurses because we all know she is not the biggest fan of women!
She is such a fighter! I want to be like her really! So strong and never backs down!
She is one TOUGH lady. I pray she makes it through these HARD TIMES! I am not sure how much more the Cowen family can handle... the last 6 months have been so different for all of us!
My friends and my families friends have been awesome! I am sooooooo BLESSED with AMAZING people! I am so thankful!!! Thank you all who have called, text, or fbed me or my family. I truly believe that prayer is sooo powerful! So BE STRONG DEEEEE we love you!!
When she is laying in the bed at the hospital, i remember all the sweet times i have had with her. She would swim, play, watch movies, go shopping with all of us before she had her aneurysm. Then i think about the times after her aneurysm... all the times she has made us laugh because of her honesty. or the time that she wanted me to wear her fur coat to alex's football game, and got her feelings hurt because i wouldn't... or the time that we pulled up in the drive way and she was smoking a cigarette, had tennis shoes on, hair not brushed, but def. was rocking the fur coat! Goodness she makes me laugh...
I often criticize those who make choices for dee because i don't think they have made the best choices for her and her living situation, but when i really sit back and see whats going on that woman is HAPPY and not ready to go home yet. I cherish these times with her... i love rubbing lotion on her skin... and i love it when she makes weird faces at the nurses because we all know she is not the biggest fan of women!
She is such a fighter! I want to be like her really! So strong and never backs down!
She is one TOUGH lady. I pray she makes it through these HARD TIMES! I am not sure how much more the Cowen family can handle... the last 6 months have been so different for all of us!
My friends and my families friends have been awesome! I am sooooooo BLESSED with AMAZING people! I am so thankful!!! Thank you all who have called, text, or fbed me or my family. I truly believe that prayer is sooo powerful! So BE STRONG DEEEEE we love you!!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Rush me, but leave me time to wait
"Rush me, but leave time to wait" These lyrics are from a Gavin DeGraw song that I really love! These lyrics fit me just perfect for the time being! i am such a confusing girl right now! i feel soo bad for Mandi sometimes! She probably never knows what kind of day it has been when I get home or get to cheerleading! I feel like for the first time in my life... i don't really have a plan of where i am going or what i am doing! I am usually a goal oriented girl that knows exactly what she wants but lately this hasn't been the case! This is extremely hard for me because unfortunately i like to have control over all my situations and decisions. It's pretty crazy just letting go and living... Which living this way has been nice... most of the time! I am sure things will be straighted out sometime someday! I am fully confident I am going through this stage of life for a pretty good reason! :) The one thing i am sure of is how BLESSED i am even on the sad days i have! i am sure of one thing and that is that i have a sweet family and sweet friends! I am certain that is all i really need right now to survive!
This is all for now!
love you all
This is all for now!
love you all
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Something Beautiful
WOW! Feb. is already here!
What an adventurous two weeks it has been for me! I feel like God is really been trying to teach me a TON of "life's lessons" right now! I am learning sooo much being a teacher in the classroom and in the gym... who would have thought! I am so thankful for such wonderful MENTORS in my life they def. have great advice and help getting through these so called lessons a little easier. I feel like my students and my cheerleaders are trying EVERY bit of patience i have... which sometimes is not a lot! These lessons might be trying, but I am truly greatful for each and everyone of them!
I am one of those people who falls in love with a song for one reason or another and listen to it over and over and over again! This past weeks i have really fallen in love with the song "Something Beautiful" by needtobreathe! It is quite amazing! I just love the lyrics! The message of the song just really speaks to me!
I am hoping Feb. is a better month than January... although I heard today from my sweet friend LW that feb is usually the most depressing month because of the weather!!! I am thinking I am going to prove that stat WRONG!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful weeekkk! love ya'll
What an adventurous two weeks it has been for me! I feel like God is really been trying to teach me a TON of "life's lessons" right now! I am learning sooo much being a teacher in the classroom and in the gym... who would have thought! I am so thankful for such wonderful MENTORS in my life they def. have great advice and help getting through these so called lessons a little easier. I feel like my students and my cheerleaders are trying EVERY bit of patience i have... which sometimes is not a lot! These lessons might be trying, but I am truly greatful for each and everyone of them!
I am one of those people who falls in love with a song for one reason or another and listen to it over and over and over again! This past weeks i have really fallen in love with the song "Something Beautiful" by needtobreathe! It is quite amazing! I just love the lyrics! The message of the song just really speaks to me!
I am hoping Feb. is a better month than January... although I heard today from my sweet friend LW that feb is usually the most depressing month because of the weather!!! I am thinking I am going to prove that stat WRONG!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful weeekkk! love ya'll
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Bitter Sweet
Life is extremely bitter sweet right now!
There are so many amazing things going on like, my room mate saying in appropriate things lol, my family finally being content with how things are, cheerleading, touching life's one student at a time HA, and all the friends I have started to re-connect with! Then there is CHANGE. I really despise change. I hate not having my other half around. It is so hard to realize that my half... just isn't meant to be. I keep thinking that one day I am going to wake up and things will be back to normal... its been three months now and things just aren't that way.
I always wonder why God puts certain people in my life just to have them taken away. It is so hard to understand! I really working on just trusting that God has this absolutely AMAZING plan for me and that this heartache will go away...
Let go is something I have really never been good at but I am learning slowly that I need to start being good @ it. I have to honestly say I really realized this when i was sitting in mandi's car at 2 in the morning and having a HEART to HEART. Sometimes we need an "eye opener".
I am looking forward to a GOOD week and a FRESH START! loveeee to all :)
There are so many amazing things going on like, my room mate saying in appropriate things lol, my family finally being content with how things are, cheerleading, touching life's one student at a time HA, and all the friends I have started to re-connect with! Then there is CHANGE. I really despise change. I hate not having my other half around. It is so hard to realize that my half... just isn't meant to be. I keep thinking that one day I am going to wake up and things will be back to normal... its been three months now and things just aren't that way.
I always wonder why God puts certain people in my life just to have them taken away. It is so hard to understand! I really working on just trusting that God has this absolutely AMAZING plan for me and that this heartache will go away...
Let go is something I have really never been good at but I am learning slowly that I need to start being good @ it. I have to honestly say I really realized this when i was sitting in mandi's car at 2 in the morning and having a HEART to HEART. Sometimes we need an "eye opener".
I am looking forward to a GOOD week and a FRESH START! loveeee to all :)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Thank goodness for a three day weekend!
Blogging can be difficult to keep up with! Life can get sooo busy!
I finally finished my first semester of teaching! It has been so rewarding but difficult too! I really do love my job... most of the time! I learn something new everyday and i def. learned to appreciate the lifestyle my parents gave me while growing up! It also has made me realize how important a STRONG family is!
Speaking of families... Nee came home this weekend! I really enjoy spending time with my sweeet sister! We had a lazy day Saturday and didn't get off the couch! it was so nice! I miss her already!!! We also all ate lunch and watch the COWBOYS lose today! I really love spending time with my family! I sometimes miss the times when we were ALL together. That does not happen very much anymore!
Blogging can be difficult to keep up with! Life can get sooo busy!
I finally finished my first semester of teaching! It has been so rewarding but difficult too! I really do love my job... most of the time! I learn something new everyday and i def. learned to appreciate the lifestyle my parents gave me while growing up! It also has made me realize how important a STRONG family is!
Speaking of families... Nee came home this weekend! I really enjoy spending time with my sweeet sister! We had a lazy day Saturday and didn't get off the couch! it was so nice! I miss her already!!! We also all ate lunch and watch the COWBOYS lose today! I really love spending time with my family! I sometimes miss the times when we were ALL together. That does not happen very much anymore!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Year!
Hey!! I have decided to start blogging! :)
I am pretty excited about the new year! I am incredibly busy with school, friends, family and cheer! I don't know what I would do without all the AMAZING people in my life!
So School starts back tomorrow and I am not excited about waking up at 5:30 again, but I am extremely excited to see all my kids faces! They truly make life worth it (well most of them do)!
I am pretty excited about the new year! I am incredibly busy with school, friends, family and cheer! I don't know what I would do without all the AMAZING people in my life!
So School starts back tomorrow and I am not excited about waking up at 5:30 again, but I am extremely excited to see all my kids faces! They truly make life worth it (well most of them do)!
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