Well this week and weekend have been filled with fun, sleep, victory dances, love, hugs, and tears!
I have come to the realization that life is never going t be easy (whoever says life is easy is fullllll offffff crap), but it is how you deal with the tough things that make life worth it and give it meaning. I started reading a YA book which is young adult literature, and since I am a reading teacher I try to read things my kids would like to read. This book is about a girl that lives in a school bus and her mom is a prostitute, but she finds HOPE in everything she does. She wants to be a lawyer too (another reason i like her... who is to say one day i don't go to law school and become some big wig lawyer...you never know riiighhtt) I have fallen in love with the girl in the book because I think it is so important to find HOPE in everything I do. There are days where I literally wonder what in the WORD am I teaching for, or I wonder... WHY in the world have I done this or THAT, or I have seriously just WASTED my time doing this or that... and I am slowly learning that NOTHING or NO ONE is a WASTE of time. There is always something GOOD that can come out of everything. I have learned that people come and go in and out my life for many reasons... the coming out part always hurts, but what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger riiiighttt. I have also learned the easiest path is not always the RIGHT path, and I will admit sometimes I want to go back to old things just to make life easier. Butttt I do have to say... I have continued to be strong and follow the RIGHT PATH... Over the past year I have had many ups and downs, but I have never stopped and looked at how much I have grown and overcome( I actually completed 7 loads of laundry this week and CLEANED my shower with a toothbrush i might add...this is an accomplishment for me). I have been truly blessed with such sweeeeet people in my life to help me become who I am today... thank you guys for being such a huge part of my life :)
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