Well 2010 has been amazing if I don't say so myself! I wouldn't say EASY though, but I wouldn't be me if life was easy! I turned 24 whooo hoo! 24 is such a weird age not young and 21, but not quite 25! Here are my 24 highlights of 2010!
24. My new Volvo (i am in love)
23. Teaching 6th grade Reading
22. Watching Neely play college softball
21. Learning that it is okay to be ME!!
20. Not really caring what others think alll the time(not sure if that is good or bad)
19. Uptown nights out
18. Two prego friends one engaged friend and 2 married friends (blessings)
17. My 24th bday swinging my claw and antler shirt (good times)
16. Learning to just laugh
15. Having a student cry because she passed her first teks check since 3rd (good guessing or I am just that AMAZING of a teacher ;)
14. Pool days with hodgeposh
13. Learning it might not be the most wise choice to have a “BFF”, but you shouldn’t regret it despite what other tell you
12. Getting to watch Reed get ready for his first homecoming
11. Saying goodbye to my first ever class of students
10. apt 621 and all it's good times with my best friend
9. Trip to Baton Rouge with two of the best girls i know
8. Ski Trip that i didn't ski on :) :)
7. Learning to stop asking why and just let life happen
6. John Mayer concert (wish i remembered more of it) all i know is he is stinken hot and sings amazing songs
5. Trip to NYC with Dad and Neely
4. message from Becca's sister telling me how much she loved me
3. My sweet Cheerleaders (our party, and being just pretty bad A)
2. Being at the Texas Rangers play off game where they beat the YANKS!!!!!!!!! i am still missing the rangers
1. THROW UP on my car as she pukes down the highway ( i have never laughed so hard in my life) I mean it’s been a party kind of year I had to end with this one!!!
Happy 2011 love you all!!!
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