This week has been an incredibly amazing, adventurous, and blessed week. Here is a recap
1. Sunday- Cheerleaders melted my heart! Each one has been placed in my life for a reason.
2. Monday- Tobie was lost for about an hr. I threw a fit. Some man brought him home. I might have screamed, darted through traffic, and gathered my precious "The girls prayed for Tobie to come home." --I am the luckiest coach EVER
3. Tuesday- a very special student wrote a horrible note that caused me to break down in my principle's office. Outcome- My principle was able to mentor this student who needs a positive male role model in his life. I continue to pray for this student and his future
4. Wednesday- Dr's appt.- wanted me to go to hospital to see a specialist and have testing done. I talked my Dr. into letting me wait till next week. I wasn't really in the hospital gown mood. I also got to meet my sister for lunch! She always makes me laugh
5. Thursday- Neely comes home school. Mom's doors wide open. Both cash and tobie gone. Tobie is gone AGAIN. At this point I am out of tears. I leave my kiddo's, and my SWEET bowie teams covers my class. Tobie is found in apts in laundry mat...under the washer. Crying. Cash is still gone. I go back to school my sweet class of 15 makes 100 signs. Neely picks up the signs... with in 10 minutes cash is returned after three hours. The reward worked.
Tonight... I can't sleep. Not because I am scared or upset, but because I serve a God that has a plan. All three of my siblings, Jake, Brandy, and lil Brit have spent the entire night together at my moms. We have ate dinner, made christmas cookies, and laughed. Neely of course had to make the cookie making into a competition. Let's just say she isn't exactly Martha, and I think she regrets creating the competition.
I have never been more amazed by the support system my family and I have. God has blessed us beyond belief.
So when in doubt PRAY. God and I have talked more this week than we have in a long time. He is truly GOOD. I lay curled up with my sweet Tobie and lil brit, and I am so incredibly thankful. God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I promise.
So to all those who have picked me up... maybe even litterally (out of Mom's backyard as I cried for my precious Tobie... thank you so much. I love you all to the moon and back of course ;)
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