Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Never a dull moment

If you don't already know, Neely is done with Grayson and softball. She said goodbye in May to both. She has recently moved to Irving for the summer, started working, and will be going to UNT on academic scholarship in August. She is going to be moving to Denton, and she will start studying sociology just like me! She has not quite decided between teacher or police WOMAN! :) She isn't real sure about the whole uniform thing though... I am so proud of her! I hope she become a teacher (or she likes to say my boss...because she really wants to skip teaching and go straight to being an administrator...) I tell her to keep DREAMING!!!

Nee isn't a lover of many things, but she does have a love for dogs with the exception of precious LEO. He is special, and well Neely doesn't always have patience for those who don't mind!

Neely has been wanting a puppy to take with her to school. So this last weekend. My mom, Neely, Reed, and Jake went to McKinney Trade Days. They found a miniature Schnauzer AKA Mr. Chow, Dudley, Nolan, Drake. We had not decided a name quite yet. She of course picked a dog like our Mol Mol's aka MOLLY! She brought the puppy home. He was precious. We all fell in love with him. Starting on Monday my parents thought the puppy might be sick. They took him to the vet, and the Dr. said that he was just scared to be in his new environment. The puppy came back home. Brit and I went to see him after Cheer. He still seemed a little sluggish to me, but I just thought that he was just sleepy. Puppies are like babies and like to Sleep a lot...right...that is what I was thinking! Last night the puppy became really sick. Nee went to work this morning, and my mom watched the puppy. Mom said he cried like a little baby, and she could tell he was in a ton of pain. My mom and dad took the puppy back to the doctor. He was diagnosed with parvo, and he is now being put to sleep. We have found out that the puppy has come from a puppy mill in Hope, Arkansas. Not only does this puppy have parvo, but all the other puppies he was with has them too. Neely said there was at least 10 dogs with him at the trade days. So those babies have parvo too.