Monday, February 21, 2011

Winning Speaks Volumes

What a sweeeet weekend
1. 30 bday bash-success love you lisa wall
2. got to see my SISTER and Court LOVE you all
3. got to see MY Nanny and Papa!!!!!!!

Anyways... My dad called me last night on the way home from the cheer competition around 9:30. I was around spirited cheer parents, dads in tu tu's (I have got nothing on that one), loud blaring music, crazy noise makers for 11 hours. I love cheerleading...but not that much. Although the long long day going on three hours of sleep was well worth it. Back to my dad's phone call...if you don't know my dad, he might be a little bit competitive. Okay...maybe more than a little bit he is very competitive. So he always calls and goes how did you do... I said, "We did very well we placed 1st in our division and 3rd out of all level 2 teams. We got beat by two Sr. teams which could have 18 year olds on them. Our youngest is 6. We beat two large gym teams which is very hard to do considering we are small gym." His response was…” Well I am guessing no angry cheer moms” and I respond with something along the lines of “True Story” He then proceeds to say “Winning Speaks Volumes” It shouldn’t have shocked me, but I am not going to lie it did!!! After I got off the phone with him, I really started thinking about the quote. I agree winning does speak volumes, and I am certainly a huge fan of winning. I might have even been a bit angry if we didn’t win yesterday because I am a competitive person in most things I do. I don’t like to lose @ all. BUTTTTTT… I feel that our gym and our team is so much more about winning. I hope to instill good character, friendships, honesty, integrity, and always giving it your all in my kids. Then I started thinking… our kids at our gym are all of these things. We have a cheerleader that has struggled in some tumbling areas. (So at warm up…yes during WARM UP… which is like extremely intense. I become some what of a crazy at that point…) I pull our kid that is having a hard time mentally with tumbling right now to a matt. We start working on her back walk over backhand spring. She gets and as all 18 other kids watch her do it by herself. They clap for her and all scream YESSSSS! That to me is so much more important than winning 1st or coming in 3rd out of 19 teams. Their attitudes and sweet hearts SPEAK VOLUMES. It amazes me that at 6-12 years old these kids are so compassionate. I also watched at individual competition one of our kids give the “thumbs up” to another as she was about to take the floor several times. I just wanted to share this with you… because yes winning is so important (not going to lie it is very important to me) but having a sweet heart and being compassionate speaks even louder volumes. Thank you 6-12 year olds for teaching Ms. Jordan such an important lesson!!! I love you guys so much!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love just might be in the air!!!

Well so far since December three of my BEST friends have gotten engaged (lots f happy tears and I am I totally excited)... and of course we have two babies on the way too! I think it is best to say love is in the AIR foooo shooowww!! My dad asked me on Saturday if I was going to be the 27 dresses girl... I told him...I just might! I could not be happier for my friends! This next year or so is going to be busy, and I am going to LOVE every minute of it!!!! Not only has love been in the air romantically, but this past week I have been working on being ME i guess you could say... never in my life have I felt so LOVED by my friends and is how it started .

1. Last Saturday I sat at a restaurant will call it for 8 hrs and laughed and laugh and laughed with such sweet funny friends
2. I had dinner with MM...we had not had dinner or seen each other in a month
3. Neely called and messaged me numerous times last week (i usually get a call or text every so often)
4. LW left me a voice message that said butterflies and sunshine one day after gym (made me laugh, and I saved it so I can listen to it when I need a smile)
5. SL sent me a message one night that said you are loved
6. NG sent me a fb message that said xoxoxoxo
7. My aunt called and she wants to get a tattoo and have a GNO I love her sweet spirit!
8. I got to eat with both of my parents this weekend and Reeders! It has been a while... and of course we did do something a little mischievous all together pretttyyyy funny! Somethings never change!!!!
9. I ran THREE times this week (which means I love myself haaa)
10. AM- left me a weeezzzzy message (does not get much better than that)
11. mandi made me a Malibu bomb which it totally was the bomb!
12. DS-my teaching partner brought me breakfast and a monkey with a heart...shes pretty sweeettt!!!

All these things happend for a reason, and I couldn't be more thankful for such an amazing people God has put in my life.

So here is to a LOVING Happy Valentines day!!!! Love you all!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Less than Perfect

It has been a while since I have blogged!! I am sure you are totally missing my lovely words ;)

Life has been really busy until this week. 4 days off of work nearly killed me. I had new clue how busy I had to be ALLLL the time.

In the last week I have learned so much while being couped up in my 2 by 2 apartment. Here are a few things I have learned...well 7 things I learned this week!!!!

1. I truly love my job... I have missed my classroom, my crazy kids, my co workers, and lunches with mom, kay and esmi

2. I live with one of the most patient people. I am not sure how Mandi deals with me, but I am so thankful for her

3. I have such an amazing group of friends!!!! I am so blessed to have taught at LMS and met some of the most sweeeeettttest people ever. Then today I get to go hang out with my sweeeetttt friends i have known most of my life.

4. I miss my sister, and she always knows how to make me laugh. I love her free spirit (that is what i have chosen to call her behavior i guess you could say)

5. People are not always who you think they are, but all things happen for a reason. I am one tough girl...tougher and stronger than I give myself credit for (ask my 6th graders or cheerleaders...they might even tell you I can be mean and tough @ times!!)

6. Umm... new jersey turnpike (My friends might or might not know how to rock this)

7. My life is far from less than perfect, and I might have made a wrong turn once or twice...but this is my silly life ( ps. i heart pink.) With all the chaos, tears, and lauhgs, I have learned to be thankful for what I have and those who appreciate me for me!!!

Heres to a Week of no SNOWWWWWWW

love you all