I have officially made it to my last week of school! I never thought I would be so sad to see my 8th grade babies leave me! Each one of them have blessed my life in someway! I have learned so many lessons from my kids this year its unreal!
This year has been like a roller coaster ride for sure. There were days that I would walk into my classroom and be completely exhausted. It never failed though that one of my students would brighten up my day with their smile. I feel like I leaned on them as much as they leaned on me. I hope I have taught them half of what they have taught me.
I have learned that love, patience, smiles, and hugs are the things that really matter in life and in teaching...
I made my students reflect on this past year last week and one activity we did was things to be GrEIGHTful for... I made them list 8 things they had to grateful for this past year... here are my 8 things
1. Moment of silence in the morning after the pledges (please God let me get through today with out losing my mind...i am not joking about this)
2.Alex, Neely, Reed, Mom, Dad, Molly and Leo (my fam- my family has been extremely supportive this year!! Many phone calls, text, emails to tell them what has happened throughout the day. They always listened to my funny/crazy stories)
3. My sweeet sweeet group of friends and our fun nights out ( My friends are awesome and i would not trade one of them for the world. They are so supportive and encouraging. I totally appreciate them and couldn't imagine life with out them!!! Esp. my room mate! She has listen to me cry, gripe, and laugh this entire year! I know she has to be sick of hearing me talk about teaching)
4. Sonic Half-Sweet Half Un-sweet tea (this helped me get through my first year of teaching... I also like to watch john the car hop spin around on his skates in the a.m. this always is a good way to start of my day )
5. Pandora- (when all else fails taylor swift radio or john mayer radio gets my students to be quiet!! Sometimes they will ask me to play john mayer and that really makes me smile!!!)
6. Reeders being in my class ( I have been so lucky to have reed in my class. It has been such a joy to see a different side of him.)
7. Greeting my students at the door before each period! ( I never knew how important this was. I love greeting my kids at the door. It has really impacted my relasionship with my kiddos)
8. Laughing, Smiling, Giggles ( I have never appreciated laughing, smiling, and giggling as much as I have this year. There are sometimes as a teacher I have to tell myself that I can either laugh or cry. There were also times that I would just laugh with my students! I had to learn that they are humans too, and it is okay to laugh and smile with them. I love to see my students smile!!!